We Are All About Making Your Life More Comfortable

We Are All About Making Your Life More Comfortable

At Footstools & More we are all about comfort. At home, we all want to be comfortable, and this is why we take time to choose the most comfortable sofa, the most comfortable beds, the most comfortable (in many cases) thick carpets, and so on. Heck, none of us wants to be uncomfortable!

Despite the fact that we have had lockdown, many people have continued to work from home, while others in specialist jobs such as the NHS have continued to work as usual or even harder. Nobody can be expected to carry on day after day without a break because it is part of our lifestyle to take some time off and relax now and again.

Whatever you have been doing, whether it is working for a boss, digging the garden, looking after horses in a stable, training for the next Olympics, or just standing in Tesco’s doorway all day letting people in when it is safe to do so, at the end of the day we need a break.

That means different things for different people. Some choose to sit at a computer all evening playing games. Some go to the pub (yes, you can now). Some read a book. Many watch TV – including BBC Coronavirus At Ten. OK, only kidding about that last one, but have you noticed that the news now is almost about nothing else?

But whatever you do, you need to be comfortable, and in many instances, that means putting your feet up. Literally. That is why more people today are buying footstools for just that purpose. You can sit back and relax and put your feet up.

However, a footstool can be used for more than just that. In effect, you can use it as a small, low table, on which you can put a serving tray so that you can have whatever you choose to hand when you want it. That may be for some drinks, a pot of tea, some biscuits, or whatever else you fancy. You could even use a large serving tray for keeping some flowers on, some books, or a couple of DVD’s that you want to watch during the evening.

At Footstools & More we make many different footstools, as you might guess, but under the “More” section we also make a range of serving trays both large and small. These will fit whatever size of footstool you have and give you that extra bit of relaxation because you can sit back and take it easy knowing everything is to hand when you want it.