Footstools In All Shapes, Sizes, And Materials!

Footstools In All Shapes, Sizes, And Materials!

Footstools come in all shapes and sizes – at least, they do if you have them made by us at Footstools & More. The number of designs and sizes that we have available is almost endless, and if you don’t see what you want on our website, then that’s no problem either. You can design your own footstool and we will make it for you – using your own material to finish it if you wish.

One of the most popular footstools that we produce is the ottoman. This is because you can use a large ottoman for storing an awful lot of “stuff” in. It makes perfect sense.

Let’s face it: if you have a large ottoman so that you and your partner can both put your feet up on it when you are watching the TV, then it is obvious that it will take up a certain amount of space. So, why waste all that space?

All that we need to do is to turn the top of the ottoman into a lid by putting a couple of hinges on it, and – hey presto – you have somewhere to store all the bits and pieces that you need to hand in the living room, but don’t want them cluttering it up.

So, you can store magazines, the TV Times, the remote, your laptop, your phone, knitting, card games, books – the list is endless. You can also keep a bottle of your favourite wallop in there with a couple of glasses. Saves getting up and going to the kitchen when the ads come on!

The Same Thing Applies With A Smaller Footstool

You might want a smaller footstool, but the same thing applies: you just won’t be able to store so much stuff in there. A small leather footstool is a splendid addition to a living room because the leathers that we supply simply ooze quality and panache.

There is another big advantage of having a leather footstool, and that is especially true if you have kids, cats, dogs, or just plain old careless partners! This is because if someone spills a drink on a leather footstool it won’t do any damage. You can just grab a cloth and wipe it off. You can grab a cloth and wipe it off a fabric as well, but it’s likely that if it is coffee or red wine or fruit juice, it will stain the fabric. OK, you can get it cleaned, but it’s a lot easier with leather!